Saturday, April 15, 2017

A Poem About Weigh Loss Charlatans

FATTY at the FAT by Fat Bastardo

The outlook isn't brilliant for Americans today;
Three-quarters are fat or obese I am sad to say,
To doctors and weight loss gurus, it's a money making game
All they offer fat folks is more and more of the silly same

A waddling herd goes to McDonald's. The rest
Cling to that hope which springs eternal in a Kentucky Fried Chicken breast;
They thought, "If only a miracle could get their metabolisms out of whack
They'd spend lots of money now, on an Atkins style quack."

But Atkins died a big fat pig, a charlatan, and fake,
And Jenny Craig says it OK to eat a lot of cake; 

So upon that stricken multitude of lemmings oh so fat;
Comes Dr Phil without a pill but a major bastard rat.

Though Dr Phil paid huge fines to the FTC, his books
Get published by Slimon and Shyster another bunch of crooks.
And when the lemmings read his books they continue to get fat,
I bet they need another book. Do you think it might be that?

400,000 Americans this year will see an early grave
Simply because when it comes to food they choose not to behave
They waddle to the doctor to get their insulin,
Fatty pays a fortune and big pharma cashes in.

There is this sleaze in doctor's manner because he knows his place;
Is to bilk the patient's insurance and put a smile on his face.
Responding to the jeers, he says, "Your reaction is quite odd.
M. D. stands for Me Deity. In other words, I'm God."

Now on insulin and statin drugs, Fatty enjoys all food.
But don't be late with his dinner plate it may affect his mood.
He knows now that he's not too now fat he's happy to report,
He tells the world he can't wipe his ass cause his arms are just too short.

Walking to the parking lot he'll wheeze and gasp for air,
Knowing that the paramedics can quickly be right there.

Close by a Gold's Gym beckons to the healthy and the fit
"That ain't my style," said Fatty, "I'd rather eat and sit.

From the realm of reality came a sane and sober voice,
That said that being fat and sick and gluttonous really was a choice.
We are not made fat by our genes or the stress that comes with life
And it's OK to complain about your fat and lazy wife.

Perhaps this trend towards obesity could be a moral failing;
A symptom of a society that is weak and sick and ailing
Ask A fatty why he's fat and he will tell a lie.
Ask him if he eats too much, it's something he'll deny.

"Fraud!" cried the maddened voice, and echo answered "Fraud!"
But one scornful look from a Fatty and the audience was awed.

"How dare anyone imply it is my fault", an angry Fatty roared!
"I eat because I'm hungry and I eat because I'm bored".

A sneer has fled from Fatty's lip, the teeth are clenched in hate;
He pounds with cruel violence his fork upon the dinner plate.
And now the waiter holds the tray and now he lets it go,
And now the air is shattered by the force of Fatty's mighty blow.

Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright,
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
And somewhere men are laughing, and little children shout;
But there is no joy in Fatland — Mighty Fatty's heart crapped out.

Why The Atkins Diet Doesn't Work

The Atkins Fatkins Diet 
The Atkins Diet, devised by Dr. Robert Atkins in the 1970s, is one of the most popular and dangerous low-carb, high-protein fad diets on the market, and claims to help people lose up to 15 pounds in the first two weeks of the diet.
Atkins works by limiting dieters' carbohydrate intake and upping fiber intake, so that the body burns fat instead of carbohydrates. It includes four phases; the first phase has dieters limit carbohydrate intake but encourages unlimited consumption of artery clogging fat-laden meat and fish, eggs, cheese, salad vegetables, butter and oil. With each phase, dieters add in more carbohydrates until they find the balance where they are no longer gaining weight from their diet.
Why the effects won't last: Like other low-carb diets, water loss accounts for most of the weight loss at the beginning of the diet.
Healthy weight loss takes time and should not be drastic, said Stella Volpe, a registered dietitian and professor, and chairwoman of the Department of Nutrition Sciences at Drexel University in Philadelphia.
"People need to come to terms with that if they're going to do it right, it will take time," Volpe told MyHealthNewsDaily. "So they might be frustrated, but really one to two pounds a week will mean that they're losing more fat, less muscle and less water." Low carb diets cause muscle loss.

Low Carb Induced Ketoacidosis Is Deadly

More Low Carb Dangers

By Virginia Ham and Jenna Talia

Low carb diet almost kills new mother after ketoacidosis was triggered ...

New mother nearly DIES from a low carb diet: 32-year-old developed life-threatening condition after ditching bread, rice and pasta while breastfeeding

  • Woman, 32 been following a low carb diet while breastfeeding her son

  • This triggered ketoacidosis - a serious condition seen in type 1 diabetics

  • It is where the body burns fat, which releases ketones, turning blood acidic

  • People should be warned of the dangers of low carb diets, doctor said

A new mother developed a life-threatening condition due to eating a low carbohydrate diet while breastfeeding, doctors claim.

The 32-year-old Swedish woman was rushed to hospital with nausea and vomiting, heart palpitations, trembling and spasms in her limbs.

When questioned, she said she had been following a a strict low carbohydrate high fat diet (LCHF) in order to lose her baby weight, doctors describing her case in the Journal of Medical Case Reports said.

Image result for ketoacidosis

The mother developed a life-threatening condition due to eating a low carbohydrate diet while breastfeeding, doctors claim. She went into a state called ketoacidosis, which turns the blood acidic.

The regime saw the woman, who is unidentified, eating less than 20g of carbohydrate day, the equivalent of a medium-sized potato, or a thick slice of toast, while breastfeeding her 10-month-old son.

In the UK, adults are advised to get half of their daily energy intake from carbohydrates, according to a report by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, who advise the Government.

This is the equivalent of  200 - 240g of carbohydrates in a person eating 2,000 calories a day.

The woman said she had lost 4kg on the diet but had begun to feel very ill.

In the hospital, tests were carried out tests and it was discovered that she was suffering from ketoacidosis, a life-threatening condition normally seen in people with type 1 diabetes.
‘The primary diagnosis was thought to be ketoacidosis due to starvation induced by the Low Carbohydrate High Fat diet,’ doctors writing in the journal.

More Low Carb Dangers And Why High Carb is Better

Image result for How low carb cause brain damage

The Problem With not Eating Carbs

by Maida Ham and Al Cove

As a weight loss strategy, cutting carbs (while reducing the total number of calories by cutting out carbs) has been a dismal failure. Back in 1970 when that charlatan Dr Atkins came out with his unscientific low carb hocum the obesity rate in the United States was 3%. Today, 35% of Americans are obese and it is even higher in the red states that eat high-fat diets.
Here’s the thing, though: Carb reduction costs us.
All human being require significant amounts of healthy carbohydrates to stay healthy
Sure, we can cut carbs temporarily if we need to lose weight quickly but all we will lose is muscle and water weight. For us humans, keeping carbs too low for more than a few weeks will have disastrous consequences. This is especially true for those of us who live active lives.
If you’re sedentary, your carb needs are lower. So you might be able to get away with more restriction but eventually if will catch up to you and damage your brain, liver and kidneys.
If you like to exercise regularly and enthusiastically, restricting your carb intake too drastically will lead to:
  • decreased thyroid output
  • increased cortisol output
  • decreased testosterone (This is why fat men have tits and act so girly)
  • impaired mood and cognitive function (This is why people on low carb diet forum and weight loss surgery victims act like such drama queens.)
  • muscle catabolism (People on LC diets are weaklings.)
  • suppressed immune function (People on LC diets are sickly)
In other words: Your metabolism will slow, your stress hormones go up and your muscle-building hormones go down. You feel lousy, spaced-out, sluggish, cranky… and maybe even sick.
Most vexing of all: You won’t even lose that much weight in the long term and most of it will be muscle. How dumb is that?
Decreased thyroid
In order to function properly and to maintain an appropriate metabolism, our body produces an important hormone called T3. T3 is the most active thyroid hormone and is incredibly important for blood glucose management and proper metabolic function.
Low T3 levels can lead to a condition called euthyroid sick syndrome, in which people are constantly cold and sluggish. (Imagine your metabolic “body motor” idling at a slower speed.)
A landmark study, known as the Vermont Study, found that T3 is very sensitive to calorie and carbohydrate intake. When calories and carbs are too low, your T3 levels drop.
In addition, the Vermont Study found that another hormone, reverse T3 (rT3), is also sensitive to calorie and carbohydrate intake. Reverse T3, as the name implies, inhibits T3.
Getting enough carbs can lower reverse T3. Not eating enough carbs will increase it, thus blocking the important work of T3.
The Vermont Study is far from alone. Other research confirms that ketogenic (ultra-low carb) diets reduce T3 levels as rapidly as starvation.
Additional studies  show that when calories are held constant (in this case at 2100 calories), reducing carbohydrates from 409 g to 202 g and then to 104 g significantly reduced serum T3 levels (from 91 to 86 to 69 ng/dL respectively).
Finally, French researchers examined four calorically equal diets (2800 calories in this case), lasting 1 week each. Two of these diets contained 250 grams of carbs, which is a fairly typical proportion. The low-carb diet included 71 grams of carbs, and the high-carb diet included 533 grams of carbs.
T3 levels were equal on the normal and high carb diets (ranging from 163.3 to 169.5 ng/100 mL). However, on the low carb diet they fell to 148.6 ng/100 mL on average. And of course, rT3 correspondingly rose on the low carb diet, but not on the standard or high carb diets.
Thyroid hormones are important for more than just weight loss; they also have profound effects on our overall health and energy levels.
Thus, when you don’t eat enough, and/or eat enough carbs while exercising:
  • T3 goes down
  • Reverse T3 goes up, further blocking T3
  • You feel like crap, and eventually your training sucks
EATING too much fatty food causes brain damage linked to obesity, according to new research. US scientists found a sudden change to a high-fat diet triggered inflammation in a key area of rodent brains responsible for regulating body weight.
The inflammation produced distinctive scarring similar to that seen in stroke patients – and that brain scarring was then observed in humans who were overweight. While the research does not unequivocally prove brain damage caused by fatty food is linked to obesity, it provides strong indications for further research.
“It would be unlikely you could injure that part of the brain and not affect the level of bodyweight because that’s what that area does,” said Michael Schwartz, who is the director of the University of Washington’s Diabetes and Obesity Centre of Excellence.

If you’re active, you need adequate energy and carb intakes for a healthy thyroid.

Cortisol up; testosterone down

Research consistently shows that people who exercise regularly need to eat enough carbs or their testosterone will fall while their cortisol levels rise. This is a sure-fire recipe for losing muscle and gaining fat. Iit’s also is responsible for excessive stress.
In a study in Life Sciences, men who ate a high carbohydrate versus a low carbohydrate diet for 10 days had higher levels of testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin, and lower levels of cortisol.
A few years later, another study took this research a step further. This time the subjects included men and women who exercised regularly. And in addition to considering the effect of their diet on hormones, researchers put them through some performance tests.
Once again, when the subjects ate a low carb diet, their testosterone (and other anabolic hormones) went down, while their cortisol a stress hornone went up.
And, after following a low carb diet for just three days, only two of the six participants were able to complete the cycling test! Meanwhile, when following the higher carb diet for three days, all six participants were able to complete the test.
In 2010, researchers reconsidered the same question — this time in relation to intense exercise. In this particular study, subjects eating the low carb diet (where 30% of their calories came from carbs) saw a drop of 43% in their testosterone to cortisol ratio. Not good. Meanwhile, the control group (who got 60% of their calories from carbs) saw no change in their testosterone/ cortisol ratios.
  • inadequate carbohydrate intake can decrease testosterone (which no one wants); and
  • increase cortisol (which no one wants); while
  • negatively affecting performance (which no one wants).

Carbohydrates and women’s hormones

We now know that eating too low-carb for too long can cause significant disruptions to many hormones.
This seems especially true for women, whose bodies may be more sensitive than men’s to low energy or carbohydrate availability (perhaps because of the evolutionary importance of having enough body fat and nutrients to sustain a pregnancy).
While organs like our gonads or thyroid make hormones, Mission Control of our hormone production system is the central nervous system (CNS), i.e. the brain.
Our hypothalamus and pituitary glands, which sit in the brain, are exquisitely sensitive to things like energy availability and stress (which can include life stress and exercise stress).
The hypothalamus and pituitary work together with other glands such as the adrenal glands. This partnership is often known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal, or HPA, axis.
Thus, when women don’t eat enough calories or carbohydrate — or even when women eat enough calories but not enough carbohydrate — they face hypothalamic amenorrhea. 
This means disrupted hormones and stopped — or irregular — periods because of the HPA’s response to perceived starvation and stress.
In hypothalamic amenorrhea, hormone levels plummet, and the cascade is felt throughout the system. You end up with low levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
In addition, we’ve already seen that not eating enough carbohydrate tends to increase cortisol levels. When cortisol rises, it signals your HPA axis to further decrease pituitary activity. Not good.
Your HPA axis regulates functions such as stress response, mood, digestion, immune system, libido, metabolism and energy levels.
And your pituitary in particular is responsible for synthesizing and secreting growth hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone, prolactin, LH, FSH and other incredibly important hormones.
With all this said, here’s the takeaway message: Many women try to eat low-carb, wanting to be healthier.
Yet because low-carb diets can significantly disrupt hormone production, women with too-low carb intakes — especially active women — can face:
  • a stopped or irregular menstrual cycle;
  • lowered fertility;
  • hypoglycemia and blood sugar swings;
  • more body fat (especially around the middle);
  • loss of bone density;
  • anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues;
  • chronic inflammation and worse chronic pain;
  • chronic fatigue and disrupted sleep; and
  • a host of other chronic problems…
…ironically, this is the exact opposite of what they wanted in the first place.

Muscle loss

When we think about building muscle, we usually think of protein. But research shows that lowering carb intake can affect your muscle mass even if protein remained constant. In other words, even if you’re guzzling protein shakes or eating steak 5 times a day, you could be losing muscle if you aren’t getting enough carbs.
A recent study from the Netherlands compared three diets:
  • a high carb diet (85% carbs);
  • a medium carb diet (44% carbs); and
  • a low carb diet (2% carbs).
All diets had the same total calories and the same amount of protein — 15%. (Yes, a little low, but more or less adequate.)
The result? For starters, pretty consistent with other research.
  • T3 levels and reverse T3 levels stayed the same with high and moderate carbohydrate intake.
  • T3 levels and reverse T3 went down on the low-carb diet.
But here’s the interesting wrinkle. In this study, the researchers also measured urinary nitrogen excretion to see how the diets affected protein breakdown.
In this case, the low carb diet increased muscle breakdown, because severely low carbs lowered insulin levels.
Again, you’d assume that protein intake would determine muscle breakdown. And you might assume — based on what you’ve heard — that having higher insulin is always “bad”. In fact, insulin is crucial for building muscle.
When you get enough carbs to meet your needs, you replenish muscle glycogen and create an anabolic (building-up) hormonal environment. You get strong and buff. That’s good.
Conversely, when you don’t eat enough carbohydrate, muscle glycogen is depleted and a catabolic (breaking-down) hormonal environment is created, which means more protein breakdown and less protein synthesis. This means slower muscle growth — or even muscle loss.

Putting it all together

The bottom line? Not eating enough carbohydrates can lower T3 levels, disrupt cortisol to testosterone ratios, interfere with a woman’s delicate hormone balance, contribute to muscle loss, and prevent muscle gains.
Definitely not what most of us want!
But wait a minute.
Even if all of this is true, aren’t low carb diets better for fat loss?
And aren’t fat-adapted athletes performing just as well as athletes who eat a lot of carbs?

Low carbs are not better for fat loss

The logic seems so clear and appealing: High carbs lead to insulin which leads to fat storage. Low carbs keep insulin low, which should get you effortlessly lean while you enjoy chicken wings, salmon, eggs, and butter.
Indeed, many people who try low-carb dieting are initially pleased by an immediate weight loss… which is mostly water and glycogen. So, in the short term, it seems like low-carb diets are superior but does long-term evidence support low-carb dieting Research says no. Over the long haul, any differences between low-carb and other diets even out.

Protein: The hidden success factor

Most studies that suggest low-carb diets are superior suffer from a common methodological flaw: They usually don’t match protein intake between groups. This means that the low carb group often ends up consuming significantly more protein.
We know that getting plenty of protein has many advantages:
  • protein has a higher thermic effect — our bodies have to “rev up” to digest it (you’ll know this if you’ve ever gotten the “meat sweats” after a big steak);
  • protein makes people feel fuller, longer; and
  • protein helps people retain lean mass.
In other words, the big “secret” might be a high protein diet rather than a low carb diet.
So let’s play fair and look at a study where protein was matched. In this study, subjects who ate a moderate carb diet (40% calories from carbs) reported significantly better mood, and lost about the same amount of weight as those on a ketogenic low-carb diet (5% calories from carbs).
Actually, the group who ate a moderate amount of carbs showed a small (though not statistically significant) tendency to lose more body fat as compared to those on a low carb diet (5.5 kg vs 3.4 kg in 6 weeks).
Both diets improved insulin sensitivity. However, the ketogenic diet also increased LDL cholesterol and inflammatory markers and subjects who were on it felt less energetic.
Thus, in this study:
  • moderate carb eaters felt better
  • moderate carb eaters lost about the same amount of weight, maybe even a little more
  • both types of eaters improved insulin sensitivity
  • the low carb dieters ended up with worse blood work and more inflammation
Makes you wonder why low carb gets so much hype, doesn’t it?Especially considering that a recent review of long-term low carb versus low fat diets — the largest of its kind so far — found that both low carb and low fat diets reduced people’s weight and improved their metabolic risk factors.
In this review, both diets had about the same weight loss, changes in waist circumference, and measurements of several metabolic risk factors (blood pressure, blood glucose, insulin).
Still, it would be great to understand more about what makes low carb diets “work” at all. One recent study asked: Do low carb diets work because they restrict carbs or because they tend to increase protein?
Over the course of one year, the researchers compared four different conditions:
  1. normal protein, normal carbohydrate
  2. normal protein, low carbohydrate
  3. high protein, low carbohydrate
  4. high protein, normal carbohydrate.
Interestingly, the two groups eating the high protein lost the most weight.
And the real kicker? Varying the levels of fats and carbs seemed to make no difference to body composition.

Why Low Carb Diets Cause Depression

Image result for can low carb cause brain damage

Low carb diets are also called ketogenic diets because they produce damaging ketones. Ketosis results when too many ketones build up in your blood. Ketones are chemicals that your body produces as a byproduct of burning fat for fuel. Ketosis is a goal of some very-low-carb diets. Some people may experience increased symptoms of depression during ketosis because their bodies may have a hard time producing the mood-elevating chemical called serotonin.


Carbs are your body's fuel of choice. When your body has very little carbohydrate available -- as it would after a week or so on a very-low-carb diet -- it is forced to start breaking down and using fat and muscle for energy. This process is called fat metabolism. The byproducts of fat metabolism include ketones, which are acidic chemicals that exit your body through urine and breath. This is why people on low carb diets and weight loss surgery victims have bad breath. 


People suffering from depression typically have a persistent feeling of sadness, worthlessness, and emptiness. There are many possible reasons for depression; in some cases, depression results from a lack of the brain chemical serotonin, a compound that makes people feel naturally happy. According to, having too little serotonin can disrupt communication between your brain cells, making depression worse.


Your body has to make serotonin; you can't get it from the food you eat. MedlinePlus explains that your body uses tryptophan, a type of protein, to make serotonin. You can find tryptophan in protein-rich foods like turkey, eggs and fish -- all foods that are allowed on a low-carb diet. So it would seem that people on low-carb diets should have all the tryptophan they need to make serotonin in excess, but that's not the end of the story.


There is a tiny amount of tryptophan available compared to all the other kinds of protein in eggs. Since only so much protein can cross into the brain, the odds are pretty slim that tryptophan will be able to get to the brain so that it can be made into serotonin. But one thing tips the balance: carbs. Dr. Emily Deans, a psychiatrist who practices in Massachusetts, explains in "Psychology Today" magazine that when you eat carbs alone, the body produces insulin, which pulls every type of protein besides tryptophan into your muscles. That leaves the road wide open for tryptophan.


Low-Carb Diets and Brain Function | LIVESTRONG.COM

A new study from scientists in the US found that when women went on low or zero-carb diets they performed worse on thinking and memory tests compared to reducing calories without reducing carbohydrates. When they put carbs back into their diet, their thinking and memory skills went back to normal.

The study was the work of researchers from the psychology department of Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts. It is published in the February 2009 journal Appetite and is already available to view online.


The fact that carbs simplify serotonin production doesn't mean you will get seriously depressed the moment you reach ketosis. Everyone is different. MIT researcher Judith Wurtman argues that some people are "carb cravers" who need the starches to balance mood. She also says that women, who naturally have lower serotonin levels than men, are more likely to miss carbs. The best solution may be to let your own body be your guide: If you suffer from depression and you feel like your symptoms are worse when you reach ketosis, consider including a few more whole-grain carbs to your day, particularly around the late afternoon, when the call of the carbs tends to be the loudest.

Trump Is On The South Beach Diet